
SimpliField: CMO + Website & Product Marketing

Company: SimpliField


Project: CMO, Website and Rebrand, Content Marketing

Highlight: $11M Series A from Five Elms Capital

HQed in Paris, SimpliField provides a simple mobile platform that allows retail field teams to work together in real-time to deliver consistently excellent in-store customer experiences. L'Oreal, Asics, Sony, Samsung, Revlon, LVMH and over 100 customers in 30 countries use SimpliField to help them streamline communications, improve visibility, and maximize profitability.

As global CMO, I led a complete strategic messaging, branding, and website overhaul to address the growing North American market, building a team to create a content-driven demand gen engine that drove record growth in sales and direct marketing-sourced pipeline globally in the midst of a pandemic.

I established the first product and customer marketing functions, led events and PR strategies, and helped drive substantial product evolution to meet customer needs.

SimpliField raised an $11M Series A in January of 2020.

Read an interview we did with LVMH Chief Digital Officer Ian Rogers on crafting flawless customer experiences.

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