Branding Product and Brand Overhaul

Company: Networked Insights

Website: Company Acuired - Currently

Project: VP of Marketing, Website and Rebrand, Content Marketing, Product Marketing

Highlight: $30M funding from Goldman Sachs, Acquisition by American Family

Served as VP of Marketing for Networked Insights, a Goldman Sachs-backed SaaS company specializing in using AI to develop audience insights and targeting.

As VP of Marketing at the company, my focus was on establishing the demand generation, SDR, events, PR and content marketing functions from the ground up, and driving a record increase in metrics across the funnel. Highlights included $30M in venture funding in Q1 from Goldman Sachs, and successfully launching a major new audience marketing platform and associated brand at the beginning of Q2 (

We achieved coverage in the WSJ, AdWeek, AdAge, Business Insider, Chicago Tribune, Crain's, Fast Company, and garnered featured elections coverage in Wired Magazine.

The highlight of this project was spinning off and launching, an audience-based ad targeting tool, then shifting the entire company and focus towards the new brand. was acquired by American Family in 2017.

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